Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas at Camp Agape Cove

Christmas 2005 at Camp Agape Cove

Which version? The reality or the dream? For me the dream and the visions I create in my imagination often far surpass the reality of the ordinary events. And yet, in truth the actual reality is far richer than the surface would ever suggest. On the surface, the life of a forty something childless divorced woman on Christmas Day might appear to some to be sad or the source of ill-spent pity.

The truth is that singleness provides an opportunity to experience something so profound in the celebration of Christmas that it can soar galaxies beyond what is ordinarily possible in the family or marital context. I don't claim to know the reason, but I would imagine there could be any different number of theories as to why a solo surrendered status on Christmas Day or any day returns a gift of love that cannot be measured by human standards. The reason this love can not be measured is that it is literally worlds above and beyond the one we see. Even though this love created this world and is manifested throughout the world daily in miraculous ways it is of a supernatural nature that often cannot be seen with the naked eye, but is only known through a deep and abiding faith.

Christmas at Camp Agape Cove is essentially a time of spiritual intimacy, a time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas and God's faithfulness. Jesus Christ is the most important factor in my life. Every day throughout the year is about Jesus. If I begin to forget, He gently reminds me that it is all about him and not at all about me. But in this statement there is an essence that needs clarification, especially for non-believers, seekers, new believers, or jaded believers. We need to grasp hold of our birthright and our divine inheritance. Yes, it is about Jesus! It is about Jesus, our Savior who said he had to return to Heaven so that He could send the counselor to be with us. It is the counselor that lives in our souls that knows what our unique purpose and destiny is and through our willingness to give birth to HIS manifestation anew each day we are given the most beautiful gift~ the opportunity to live our lives in fulfillment of our God ordained purpose. That is a bottom line reality of what is meant by the saying ,"it is all about Him and not about us." When we interfere or are afraid to let the full manifestation of HIS love come forth from us ... that is when everything gets messed up! Our best life is the life that we experience when we accept and actively engage in the blessed assurance that Christ in us is the hope of glory! Let us leap for joy, Christ was born for you and for me! Christ came to remove the shackles of fear, to show us a better way, to help us to be the people God created us to be.

It is nice that the world takes time to pause and remember every December the Christ child, but oh what would happen in our world if we started each and every day pausing and remembering and allowing the full and divine manifestation of the Christ child to be born anew in each and everyone of us every single day of the year. Our world would be transformed and we would experience Heaven on Earth.

Let us rise to that challenge, let us claim that inheritance, let us be like the wise men of so long ago and follow the star. They knew it was a star unlike any other star in all the sky. And yet today, we know the rest of the story. Our time in history affords us such a vast wealth of information... it is all there. There is proof that the Christ child is the Messiah. Have you seen or read the proof? Do you believe? Do you want to believe? Is something keeping you from believing? I invite you to research the proof. The wise men who followed the star didn't have all the answers but they were wise by willing to start the journey and follow that star. How about you ... do you have the wisdom to start the journey and follow the star to the Christ child and allow HIM to be born anew in you this Christmas and New Years Season and throughout 2006? Please See my Christmas Morning Posting titled: The Greatest Gift at my Agape Cove living Blog. Merry Christmas!

copyright (c) by Kathi Dameron December 25, 2005

1 comment:

Chuck Jackman said...

Wise words indeed Kathi. Thank you for reminding me. I hope you had a wonderful day for truly you are not alone. Being single is not necessarily being alone as you will attest to. I enjoy reading the things that you write. My words aren't as profound as yours, but nonetheless, I enjoy writing. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.If you get an opportunity visit my blog at "The Writestuff By" As you will read it was set up as gift from my son-in-law and daughter-in-law and the title was their idea, although I do like it. Peace be with you Kathi.