Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Screenwriting Workshop

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at Camp Agape Cove

Syd Field's Screenwriting Workshop ~ Writing a Screenplay that Sells to Hollywood

Over the next couple of days, I will be tuning in to what The Hollywood Reporter has called "The most sought after screenwriting teacher in the world." Sounds fun and I'm bound to learn some invaluable information. The workshop series claims that it will help me convert my idea into a properly structured screenplay; one that I can confidently submit to the big film studios and production companies. WOW!

Syd has been teaching this craft for over 25 years and has guided many of the biggest names in Hollywood. While, I don't have ambitions to be a big Hollywood name, I do have a desire to see
more spirit and truth portrayed in the entertainment industry. My prayer is for the world to see less and less of Satan's influence and more and more of GOD's influence coming out of Hollywood. Hollywood has the far reaching potential to offer so much more to audiences. The impact that screenplays can have on a culture is profound. The question I often wonder is shouldn't our screenplays raise the bar to higher standards? How much of our entertainment truly transcends the ordinary? What is keeping us as a society shackled to such inferior entertainment? It is the strongholds placed by the enemy to keep the extraordinary out of our reach. The enemy has permeated every nook and cranny of our culture and we see the ugly reflection in far too much of our cultures art.

Oh Lord, help us, guide us, empower and equip us as new artists who are filled with your love, and your spirit, and your message. Send us into the world in creative ways to make a difference for you and for your purposes that all people will come to know of your faithfulness and love.
That all people will grab hold of the excitement that comes from knowing you and being in a relationship with the creator of the entire universe! May everyone realize that nothing compares to you!

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